Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Taveras hit + get hit streak reaches 31

Hey, just because the media doesn't understand that getting hit is just as good as getting a hit, that doesn't mean that Willy Taveras's streak is over. Last night was Taveras's first 2 plunk game of his career, but Craig Biggio didn't get hit by any pitches (though he did hit a 2-run homer). Tonight the Astros get thrown at by Dave Bush, who the Miller Brewing team politely allows to pitch for them despite his name. Bush hit two batters in his last start against the Marlins, which put him in the lead for most hit batters in the league at 17. Bush has hit 7 batters in his last 5 starts, but missed all the Astros when he faced them 2 starts ago. Bush has never plunked Biggio.

Craig Biggio has been hit by a pitch twice on August 30th. In 1991, Barry Jones threw plunk number 11, and Jason Bere threw plunk number 109 on August 30, 1997.

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